All-Months Summary

Run a backtest for all possible start months at once, and give composite statistics. This removes seasonality effects from longer-hold screens and can give a more accurate picture of their expected return.

Holding Period: months
trading simulator

General instructions

Run the tester over the specified range of years. Available data runs from 2003 through 2024 for most screens. You may start at any month of the year, but other than January can only run through 2023/2024.

Stocks are picked from the screens every holding period (between 1 and 120 months) and held for that period.

If you want to simulate actual trading, you can enter more parameters in the trading simulator.

You may give your backtest a name for convenience. If you use this backtest code in other testers, its name will be shown instead of a full description.


All-Months Summary instructions

Select to screen to test, and ranks on that screen. The backtest is run twelve times, beginning in each month of the year. Results are given for each start month, as well as a composite for all months. Because of the delayed starts, you should run all-months summaries for one year shorter than for other tests.