Select stocks that appear on both of two screens - like Screen of Screens, but more limited.
Run the tester over the specified range of years. Available data runs from 2003 through 2024 for most screens. You may start at any month of the year, but other than January can only run through 2023/2024.
Stocks are picked from the screens every holding period (between 1 and 120 months) and held for that period.
Instead of selecting from the available screens, you may choose to enter codes from any of the backtesters to create hybrid tests. Simply copy the link listed at the top of a run and paste into the form. Also see the backtester code guide.
If you want to simulate actual trading, you can enter more parameters in the trading simulator.
You may give your backtest a name for convenience. If you use this backtest code in other testers, its name will be shown instead of a full description.
Select the screens to overlap. For a stock to be picked, it must appear on all selected screens for the given month.
Select the ranks in the screens to compare. Stocks not in those will be discarded before comparing the different screens.
You may limit the selection to a specified number of stocks. If you do, up to the limit may be chosen, though fewer are possible. Otherwise, all stocks that appear of every selected screen will be picked.
If too few stocks were selected, you may choose to pad the selection from either or both on the screens. The top stocks are picked from the selection positions until the limit is reached (but no duplicates will be chosen).